Microsoft EULAs and CALs

Bsoft-App is an alternative to Microsoft RDS.

- If you are using RDS functionality, it is required to install the RDS role.

- In such case, it is also required to install RDS CALs. 

- Please note that RDS CALs cannot be installed when the RDS role is not installed.


However, with Bsoft-App, you can uninstall the RDS role (or not install it).

In such case, instead of RDS CALS you will use the Bsoft-App CALs.

Our customers are free to decide what is the best for them and what complies with the contract they signed with Microsoft.
In both options, and this is important to keep it in mind, the TSplus benefits are far over this detail: HTML5 client, Web Portal, multi-browser support, Mobile device support, load balancing, Universal Printer, Portable client generator… are available and Bsoft-App works very well with or without installed RDS role. Technically for us, it is just one registry value to change:
- 0 means Bsoft-App role is active
- 1 means RDS role installed and Bsoft-App must run over RDS 

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