Change the default title or favicon

To change the default title, perform the following steps:
1. locate *\Clients\www\software\html5\settings.js
(if you use a third party server like IIS/Apache then look inside their default root folders)

2. locate inside that file settings.js following string

W.setDocuTitle = function() { try { document.title = "HTML5"; } catch(b) { } }(); 

3. change the default string "HTML5", to the desired name.

To set your own favicon 

1. locate the folder:  *\Clients\www\ 

    (if you use a third party server like IIS/Apache then look inside their default root folders)

2. place your favicon.ico inside that folder like in example *\Clients\www\favicon.ico

3. Make sure your favicon.ico is accessible via http(s)://

PS: the favicon.ico works fine for FireFox, Chrome, IE11 browsers. However IE Edge 12 has unspecified behavior on https:// protocol (as example unsigned domain), so use working browsers if you want to display your specific favicon since this tutorial does not describe how to workaround third part issues. Tickets regarding such questions about IE Edge will be discarded as not BoftApp related to be fixed. If favicon is not displayed on FireFox, Chrome or IE11, then delete cache, and check format of your icon image.

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